Are you really caring about a Climate Change?

My Big Question to you is, are you really caring about a Climate Change?

If your Answer is Yes, than Please let me know in Comments about your daily habits to Prevent Climate Change in Long Run.

And if you are Hesitating to Answer this Question, Please read Article and I hope so you will make your Decision Wisely.

People think that Climate Change will not effect me because I am not Doing anything Wrong. But our daily little activities are part of the Climate Change. Like, Wasting Electricity, Driving Solo, Usage of Plastic, Usage of Disposable Products and many more.

Some Reasons for Climate Change:

  1. Overfishing: Nowadays, People are more into Sea Food than ever. Fish is good source of Protein. Overfishing can lead to lack of Diversity in Ocean and disturbed Life Cycle.
  2. Industrialization: Industrialization is more harmful than the beneficial. It pollute atmosphere with different kind of Chemicals and Materials. Industrialization is harmful for Water, Air and Soil.
  3. Transportation: Nowadays, Wide range of Population is using Car and other Private transportation. Increasing Number of Vehicles means Increasing consumption of Fossil Fuels and release of Harmful gases.
  4. Deforestation: We know that, tree converts CO2 into Oxygen. But clearing forest or wood area for the sake of modernization has great effect on Climate Change. It does emits harmful gases and also responsible for disturbed life cycle.
  5. Waste: Wastage is one of the top reasons. Every household produce 4 to 5 pound of waste per person. Which include items like plastic, non decomposable items and many more.

Ways we can prevent Climate Change:

  1. Recycle very possible item you can recycle.
  2. Avoid Plastic and Disposable Products.
  3. Use of Own water bottle or coffee mug.
  4. Upcycle means D.I.Y. your own things.
  5. Usage of Green Equipment’s in the house or office.
  6. Use LED Lights everywhere.
  7. When not in Use, Shut the Lights off.
  8. Unplug electronics, when not in use.
  9. Choose Local and Organic Products.
  10. And Most important PLANT MORE TREES.

In the End, take this following quiz to get some Knowledge, tips and hacks about Climate Change.


How much more ice is Antarctica losing today than 25 years ago?

Correct! Wrong!

What are the Causes of Deforestation?

Correct! Wrong!

Nowadays, what is the greatest threat to the world?

Correct! Wrong!

We can Prevent Climate Change by

Correct! Wrong!

What Percentage of Species are at risk of extinction due to Climate Change?

Correct! Wrong!

True or False: Humans are the main cause of Climate Change

Correct! Wrong!

True or False: Do you think Climate Change and Extreme Weather is Linked?

Correct! Wrong!

Climate Change is Causing:

Correct! Wrong!

What are Evidence of Climate Change are already observable?

Correct! Wrong!

Current Climate Changes is most contributed by

Correct! Wrong!

Climate Change Quiz
You Should Start Worrying about Climate Change and its consequences!!!
you have a good knowledge about the climate Change and its effects